Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Amina and Fauzia''s home visit

We started the journey early in the morning. We arrived in Isiolo where we met their Aunt (she is physically challenged but she has a sewing business. She is very hardworking.)
After a short visit with their aunt, we proceeded to Marsabit. This was a challenging journey because the students did not know their home county very well. We arrived in Marsabit at around four o’clock and we had to board another vehicle to their grandmother’s place which is approximately 12 kilometer from Marsabit town. On the way we met a priest and since the girls did not know their home I sought the help of the priest. We spent the night in the church and the priest really helped us to trace the family. Through him we were able to trace Amina and Fauzia’s family.
When we got there so the relatives were shocked. They kept staring at me and the girls without any words. Their grandmother, aunties and uncles were all at home and they welcomed us really well. Their grandmother was in a shock like state because she had never seen Fauzia’s and Amina for such a long time.
For long on one told us where Amina’s and Fauzia’s mother was. Later we learned that she was in Marsabit town and we were told that she would come the following day. She was staying with a friend in Marsabit town so Amina’s uncle called her friends and informed her that her niece has visited. We were told that she would come home the following day.
At around 1 pm on Saturday, their mother finally came home. Amina cried because she had not seen her mother for a long time. All of them walked into their grandmother’s house happy. They later attended a wedding party because one of their relatives was getting married.
Later I met their mother and she was drunk. The relatives begged us to stay for one more day and we did. On Monday we boarded a bus and went to Isiolo to say to the rest of the relatives goodbye. We met their other siblings. Their younger sister and brother were very happy to see them. They live in poor condition but their reunion was very great. It had a very positive impact on the girls and it also challenged them to work extra hard and change the situation back at home.

Report by Hellen Muga

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