Friday, September 19, 2008

Farm updates

Farm is not farming until a farmer involves him/herself in farming. There is a verse in the bible which says don’t be weary in planting during the morning, evening and also in the afternoon. For you don’t know which will bring forth the harvest, all along its time for you to plant. But the question is what do I plant and when. The answer is just simple, a good farmer does not depend on one variety of seed. Reasons is because one may fail another one may bring forth the produce and mostly during this time when most of the weather has changed.
To us M.I.T.S we are so grateful for what the lord has blessed us with. Last month we were able to get four new born kids (goats). And early this month on 7th September our cow gave birth to a calf. We still have not figured out a name for her. That is why we are making an open bid to whoever thinks has an attractive name, so that we christen her. As of now we call it 'Nameless' literary.
Now the school will be again having enough milk. The new chicken house is finished, and the chicks have moved in.
That is why I do stand with the point, no matter what, we have to come back to where we lost our face, and that is back to farm.


1 comment:

Hawkeye fan said...

Hi Moses, the Cedar Rapids group coming lives in Iowa which has the richest farmland in the U.S. One of our group, Maurice Colby, has been a farmer. You must be sure and get to know him.