Friday, March 20, 2009

Finally its here!

Francis managed to finally get the container. We were so excited when he called us from town that he was on his was with container. Back at Kamulu, we made all the necessary preparations for carrying all the goods to our own container and classes. The skills guys, that is Jackton, Robin and Nzioka smiled all the way to the 19acres, having their machines in hand, though extremely heavy, this was not a bother. Ben was more that excited with the new tractor, with its state of the art machinery, we were all buffled with the machine, including John Wambu with his new Kubota.
Classes now look neat than ever, the kids say the seats are comfortable. This has all come at a better timing when uniforms are now ready for students. The kids will start wearing their uniforms n MOnday next week. MITS will now look close to a formal school the only difference will be more love and familihood as compared to ther schools. A lot of gratitude goes to those who have made all this possible.

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