Monday, July 6, 2009

The McCartys' classes

Hello MITS readers. My name is Jimmy and I have finally made it back to MITS after a three year absence, but this time my wife Desiree was able to make it as well. I was here in 2006 and one of the greatest blessings of this trip is seeing how far some of the kids who were brand new at MITS when I was here before have grown and matured. During this trip Des and I have been doing many different things: teaching classes, painting the future nursery, visiting Eastleigh for the mothers program and whatever else we are needed to do.

One of the tasks I have been asked to perform is to teach a daily leadership class to the staff that ended today. We have talked about servant leadership, prophetic leadership and spiritual leadership. We have also taken some personality/temperament tests and begun using them as tools in working as a team leading the children. The staff had fun identifying who shared their personality and the ways in which everyone can bring their own strengths to the team. It seemed to be a productive time.

Next week Desiree is leading a marketing class for those teachers who create goods for sale in their classes. Hopefully these will help MITS to sell more of the jewelry, school uniforms, and wood products that they do such a good job of making. We will also co-lead a photography class for some of the kids who received donated cameras recently. The goal is for a few students to become good enough photographers that they can also start selling their photos. We are really excited about this.

One thing Desiree and I hoped to do while here is leave some people with practical tools that they can use long after we are gone. We believe the leadership, marketing and photography classes have and will provide some of those tools.

Grace and peace.

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