Tuesday, September 8, 2009

classroom updates.

Today we had our second prize giving day for this year and as usual we had some kids very happy and others disappointed but all in all, I am very proud of the kids' achievements. As I look at them and see some of them who were in literacy classes just last year and now are getting apprenticeship and getting prepared to move on with their lives, I can't express how thankful I am to God that He continually guides us through every step that we take. This time round, instead of just looking at their performance in class, we thought it would be fair if we awarded prizes also for their improvement both in class and in their dorm life.
Six students got prizes, three boys and three girls namely, Anthony Githinji, Florence Moraa, John Mwangi, Mary Muthoni, Bernard Karanja and Mercy Kisya. They went for a shopping trip to buy new clothes and shoes and Musa took them out to lunch which must have been great because they never stopped smiling.
The new kids are doing very well. They finally finished their orientation period into the program and did their exam to join classes. They were joined by the mothers from Eastleigh who are currently with us and also a new girl, Mary Njoki, who came in two weeks ago. The Kamulu family is growing larger and larger and we are really enjoying having new changes.
As i was absorbing the activities for the day and getting to my room, i found some of the new boys practicing some acrobatics and sumersaults. It was really exciting to watch.(the truth is I was worried one of them might get hurt)Those kids are really excited to be here and are very eager to get to classes and start learning.I hope as the other kids in the community start their classes for this semester this week, I hope God will continue to guide us through.

by Phillipo.

1 comment:

Hawkeye fan said...

Thanks for the update on the students who won awards. Just by being at mits they are all winners because they are being exposed to God and His love. I hiope the new semester goes well...Larry