Sunday, November 14, 2010

Young mother's retreat

On Saturday the teenage mother got a chance to visit the Nairobi Nation Park. Laquita and Jessica are visitors who are spending much of their time with the girls and the teaching the staff of MITS. They decided to give a treat to the young mothers and their babies. Their ideas was to have the mother having a bonding time with their students away from the busy schedule that they always have while undertaking their skills. We have 7 teenage mothers, inclusive our young Mary who recently came into the program. She is expectant and might deliver some time next year.

Despite the heavy traffic on the Nairobi roads, they were all so ever eager to get there. All of them have never seen wild animals before, let alone walk in a zoo. So you can imagine the excitement from both the young mothers and their babies. For some reason they all expected to see a tiger, only to realize that the closest thing to a tiger was a leopard or a big cat like a lion.

We went through all the nature walks the park could offer. Surprisingly the kids never grew weary, neither did their parents. The kids had so many questions, some we could answer but of-course some from the smaller kids like Hollie we could only guess that they are so excited seeing a hippo and not telling the difference with a warthog!

We shared a common meal together and it was fun, laughter, small chats. We all felt good inside, filled with much hope and bonding from the educative yet so fun a trip. Thanks too Jessica and Laquita for making the funds available for such a treat.

(Jessica is a grad student who is well versed in the field of Agriculture, she is probably the most educated person we have had working with us on the farm. She spends much of her time with Victor and Ben, Laquita is a grad student in Education as her major, she has been helping the team to work on their curricula and lessons plans.)

1 comment:

michelle said...

This trip sounds like so much fun! I would love to have seen the little ones faces as they discovered the animals!