Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We are almost done with the first quarter of the year. Team should be getting together soon in departments to see what goals have been achieved thus far.
We are currently registering our older students who are sitting for the national examination issued by the Government. The kids in total are 28. Joel and Phillip are working on getting those that do not have birth certificates  in order to ease the process of registration. Plus it will be an addition to important documents that our kids need.
The computer lab for the literacy class is has taken shape, side benches that the monitors sits on are complete and the first set of N-computing are out in place...we plan to have a total of 22 students in that lab. Thanks to Darren Wilson for making all this possible.
Lucy Akinyi has already moved out, and gotten an attachment in a salon called Hope line salon in Buruburu  we are still helping her with her kids. Collins will still attend our children day care center until we formulate a definite plan for both of them. Lucy has finished her sponsored training in Hair dressing thanks to the Cedar Rapids through Larry Hagerman Group. Joel will write a summary of his progress with the exiting students.
The entire school is getting excited on starting a series book called the Story. It will be launched on April 7th with the Coulstons teaching and training.
Florence Aoko too is an exiting student, she too got an attachment at the same place Lucy is at.

In liaison with the government office, the area local govt managed to donate to us bags of rice and cooking grease. This compliments our diet and help with the monthly budget. Thankful also for additional meat from the farm department. They managed to slaughter for us 200 chicken.
Last week our kids got the chance of going shopping to get new school shoes. As fun as is sounds, haggling and bargaining for shoes can be an uphill task. Successfully all the kids managed to get new shoes.
Since the rain are here, we are in gear to plant for more harvest. In different zones within our farming zones different crops have been planted.

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