Monday, February 3, 2014

Good Start

It’s a new term. Students have moved up a class and others have left literacy and joined skills training. As a teacher it is always time to adjust because a new student in class sometimes changes the dynamic of how things used to work. Salim, middle class student, is quite the scholar. He likes to read books with fact, simply educational. For Him for example we have to find something that will make him interested in class. He will not read a book just for the fun of it. We therefore have to think about him as we plan for class and prepare the lesson in such a way that he will be alert the whole time and be involved and interested in what the rest of the class is doing. 

Onesmus Odero loves to draw. Right as we study the book of revelation his drawings of the images of the prophesies are the best. we try to find a way to help nurture this talent yet still learn what has been planned for class.

Onesmus Odero holding his drawing.

Rep from Irene Otalo
I recently got a new cap, the school librarian, and this to me meant that I have to bring the library to life. The final quarter of last year I was working on convincing the students that reading story books and checking books out to read during their free time can not only improve their performance an English, both written and spoken, as well as other subjects but also increase their general knowledge. To motivate them to read, the students who showed exceptional   in reading were awarded during the December, 2013 price giving ceremony. This month I have been filled with smiles when I see students and Team come to check books out. This month alone I have checked out more than 80 books and the library is coming to life, I am happy about that. In December we received a lot of books from Amanda stoops and this year Sue Dansby has sent sets of National Geographic magazines that we will use for research and we can have whole class projects.                      

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's an awesome start, knowledge is power and its up to an individual to look for knowledge for him or herself...Good work.