Thursday, March 6, 2014

Intern Report -Amanda Morgan

Amanda and Rapahel
Over the Christmas holiday, I had the blessings and opportunity to spend a month in Kenya at MITS. I arrived at the beginning of December and stayed through the beginning of January. I traveled alone and lived at MITS by myself for the majority of my stay. This allowed me to step out and spend time with the people of MITS. I lived next to the girls place and from sun up to sun down we were together. We shared bathrooms and showers when my water wasn’t working correctly. We went to local shops together, chapel, school, and shared every meal together. The girls taught me how to cook, we laughed and danced, we would sing and tell stories. I spent many hours playing with the sweet babies that live with the mothers at the girls place and got to just be a community with these girls. Living together, working together, sleeping together, and sharing meals together brings people together in a special way. I miss these children.
I miss these students. I miss the workers and staff and community at MITS. They became my family and we spent all of our time together. I learned so much from the students about life, love, and joy.  I learned that our past does not make our present or our future. The students proved to be smart, talented, loved, and hard working.  They have a purpose, a goal, and their eyes on the prize set before them. They know that God loves them and that He continually provides and takes care of them no matter what may arise. They taught me what it means to be blessed, what it means to love your neighbor, and what it means to speak the name of Jesus daily. His name was on their every word, every moment of the day.  I gained lifelong best friends in Kenya. Friends, who pray for me, communicate with me, check on me, and have a desire to be a part of my life.
Betsy, Anthony and Amanda
They know me in ways that not many other people do. Life was fun and exciting at MITS, but life was hard and required work and time and energy, also. But life is so much better than on the streets and the students know this. They remember back to a life of glue, a life of hunger, and a life of constant pain. This life is something they never want again and praise God for being rescued and loved. I praise God for their example of what it looks like to praise Him through good and bad, to trust in His plan, to be a friend, and to love without end. I am thankful that God gave me the chance to go to MITS and to share His love with the children that blessed and forever changed my life.

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