Friday, May 29, 2009


Florence Moraa is our new girl at M.I.T.S. we are always filled with joy when we find teenager that we can change their life.Florence is fifteen years old. A very polite and talented girl who can sing and recite poems.It is our prayer that she will come to like this place and take the programs and skills we offer here seriously so that she can fully benefit from them. I pray that we will be good christian models so that she'll fall in love with Christ.
I am happy about all the girls that we have in Kamulu. I am mostly overjoyed when i see them change from the things they did and believed in before. It is the greatest gift one can have. My eyes get teary when i talk about how much change i see in most of them. Remember Moraa and all the students we have here in your daily prayers because prayers are powerful.

posted by Irene Akinyi.


Darren Wilson said...

This is great news! Welcome Florence. She is in very good company among the students and staff at Kamulu.

Irene, thank you for the work you do with the girls. God is blessing your work in profound ways.

michelle said...


It is so good to hear from you and read your post! The girls are so blessed to have you as their teacher, leader, and friend. Please tell Florence it is a joy to pray for her-and all of you.

With Christ's sweet love,